Press releases
NLMK Indiana upgraded its Run Out Tables (ROT) cooling system. The project includes replacing seven of the top and bottom cooling headers, upgrading the laminar pumps, and new Level 1 and Level 2 controls.
NLMK Indiana completed a 20 million-dollar upgrade for the Quarter Standard Gauge Tolerance Project. Doing so improves the gauge, profile, and shape of our hot rolled product as well as reduces Finishing Mill related delays.
NLMK Pennsylvania replaced the aging acid tanks in the Pickle Line.
Purdue University Northwest recently hosted its biannual Steel Manufacturing Sim¬ulation and Visualization Consor¬tium (SMSVC) meeting. The group's vision is to develop and implement innovative solutions through ad¬vanced computer simulation and vi¬sualization technologies to ensure a competitive advantage for U.S. steel manufacturing. NLMK-USA is a consortium member.
This two-day metallurgy class, a joint effort of the Sales, Quality, and Operational departments, has been regularly presented twice yearly since 2015.
The EAF Tilt Platform replacement encompassed numerous components, including a redesigned roof and new modern equipment.
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